
Metadata Policy

For information describing items in the repository
  1. Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
  2. The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes provided the OAI Identifier or a link to the original metadata record are given.
  3. The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.

Data Policy

For full-text and other full data items
  1. Access to some or all full items is controlled.
  2. Single copies of full items can be:
    • reproduced, displayed or performed, given to third parties, and stored in a database in any format or medium
    • for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge.
    • the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given
    • a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page
    • the content is not changed in any way
  3. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
  4. Some full items are individually tagged with different rights permissions and conditions.
  5. This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.
  6. Mention of Harper Adams University Repository is appreciated but not mandatory.

Content Policy

For types of document & data set held
  1. This is an institutional or departmental repository.
  2. Harper Adams University Repository is restricted to:
    • Journal articles
    • Bibliographic references
    • Conference and workshop papers
    • Theses and dissertations
  3. Deposited items may include:
    • submitted versions (as sent to journals for peer-review)
    • accepted versions (author's final peer-reviewed drafts)
    • published versions (publisher-created files)
  4. Items are individually tagged with:
    • their peer-review status.
    • their publication status.
  5. Principal Languages: English

Take Down Policy

Concerning depositors, quality & copyright If you consider that content in the Harper Adams University Repository infringes UK law, please notify Harper Adams University Library by emailing repository@harper-adams.ac.uk. Please include the URL of the record, the reason for the proposed withdrawal and your relationship to the record.
  1. Your email will be acknowledged by Library staff within seven working days of receipt, following an initial assessment.
  2. Where grounds for withdrawal are plausible, the material will be withdrawn from public view.
  3. It may be necessary for us to seek legal advice before the issue can be fully resolved.
  4. If the request is well founded, the material will be permanently withdrawn from the Repository. In some cases a metadata record may remain. This will be agreed on a case by case basis.