Items where Division is "Agriculture and Environment (from 1.08.20)" and Year is 2022

Aamot, H.U., Mousavi, H., Razzaghian, J., Brodal, G., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Edwards, S.G. and Hofgaard, I.S. (2022) Fusarium langsethiae and mycotoxin contamination in oat grain differed with growth stage at inoculation. European Journal of Plant Pathology.
Ashiq, S. (2022) Cultural control of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereal rotations through the application of biofumigation. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Ashiq, S., Edwards, S.G., Watson, A. and Back, M.A. (2022) Biofumigation for the management of Fusarium graminearum in a wheat-maize rotation. Pathogens, 11 (12).
Ashiq, S., Edwards, S.G., Watson, A., Blundell, E. and Back, M.A. (2022) Antifungal effect of brassica tissues on the mycotoxigenic cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum. Antibiotics, 11 (9).
Aung, K.M.M., Chen, H.H., Segar, S.T., Miao, B., Peng, Y. and Liu, C. (2022) Changes in temperature alter competitive interactions and overall structure of fig wasp communities. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Bailone, R.L., Fukushima, H.C.S., de Aguiar, L. and Borra, R.C. (2022) Calcium chloride toxicology for food safety assessment using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Comparative Medicine, 72 (5). pp. 342-348. ISSN 1532-0820
Basset, Y., Blažek, P., Souto‐Vilarós, D., Vargas, G., Ramírez Silva, J.A., Barrios, H., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Lopez, Y., Ctvrtecka, R., Šípek, P., Solís, A., Segar, S.T. and Lamarre, G.P.A. (2022) Towards a functional classification of poorly known tropical insects: The case of rhinoceros beetles (Coleoptera, Dynastinae) in Panama. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 16 (1). pp. 147-163. ISSN 1752-458X
Basset, Y., Hajibabaei, M., Wright, M., Castillo, A.M., Donoso, D.A., Segar, S.T., Souto-Vilarós, D., Soliman, D.Y., Roslin, T.L., Smith, M.A., Lamarre, G.P.A., De León, L.F., Decaëns, T., Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Castaño-Meneses, G., Scheffrahn, R.H., Rivera, M., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Lopez, Y., Ramirez Silva, J.A., Cruz, M.M., Galván, A.A. and Barrios, H. (2022) Comparison of traditional and DNA metabarcoding samples for monitoring tropical soil arthropods (Formicidae, Collembola and Isoptera). Scientific Reports, 12.
Bedson, C.P.E., Wheeler, P.M., Reid, N., Harris, W.E., Mallon, D., Caporn, S. and Preziosi, R.F. (2022) Highest densities of mountain hares ( Lepus timidus ) associated with ecologically restored bog but not grouse moorland management. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (4).
Blackshaw-Crosby, J. (2022) Investigating Fusarium resistance in UK winter oats. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Brady, C., Arnold, D.L., Allainguillaume, J., Denman, S. and Kile, H. (2022) Brenneria tiliae sp. nov. isolated from symptomatic Tilia x moltkei and Tilia x europaea trees in the UK. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.
Brady, C., Asselin, J.A., Beer, S., Brurberg, M.B., Crampton, B., Venter, S., Arnold, D.L. and Denman, S. (2022) Rahnella perminowiae sp. nov., Rahnella bonaserana sp. nov., Rahnella rivi sp. nov. and Rahnella ecdela sp. nov., isolated from diverse environmental sources, and emended description of the genus Rahnella. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72 (1).
Brady, C., Kaur, S., Crampton, B., Maddock, D., Arnold, D.L. and Denman, S. (2022) Transfer of Erwinia toletana and Erwinia iniecta to a novel genus Winslowiella gen. nov. as Winslowiella toletana comb. nov. and Winslowiella iniecta comb. nov. and description of Winslowiella arboricola sp. nov., isolated from bleeding cankers on broadleaf hosts. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Cardenas, L.M., Oldershaw, L., Loick, N., Griffith, B.A., Hill, T., Evans, J.E., Cowan, N., Segura, C., Sint, H., Harris, P., McCalmont, J., Zhu, S., Dobermann, A. and Lee, M.R.F. (2022) CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements. Science of The Total Environment, 831.
Chowdhury, M.R. (2022) Low protein diets based on high protein forages for dairy cows: effects on performance, metabolism and nitrogen use efficiency. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Collins, A.M., Haddaway, N.R., Thomas, J., Randall, N.P., Taylor, J.J., Berberi, A., Reid, J.L., Andrews, C.R. and Cooke, S.J. (2022) Existing evidence on the impacts of within-field farmland management practices on the flux of greenhouse gases from arable cropland in temperate regions: a systematic map. Environmental Evidence, 11 (24).
Combe, F.J., Juškaitis, R., Trout, R.C., Bird, S., Ellis, J.S., Norrey, J., Al‐Fulaij, N., White, I. and Harris, W.E. (2022) Density and climate effects on age‐specific survival and population growth: consequences for hibernating mammals. Animal Conservation, 26 (3). pp. 317-330. ISSN 1367-9430
Cooke, A.S., Mullan, S., Morten, C., Hockenhull, J., Lee, M.R.F., Cardenas, L.M. and Rivero, M.J. (2022) V-QBA vs. QBA—How do video and live analysis compare for Qualitative Behaviour Assessment? Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.
Crockford, L. (2022) Achieving cleaner water for UN sustainable development goal 6 with natural processes: Challenges and the future. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
Darch, T., Blackwell, M.S.A., Hood, J., Lee, M.R.F., Storkey, J., Beaumont, D.A. and McGrath, S.P. (2022) The effect of soil type on yield and micronutrient content of pasture species. PLOS ONE, 17 (11).
Darwell, C.T., Souto‐Vilarós, D., Michalek, J., Boutsi, S., Isua, B., Sisol, M., Kuyaiva, T., Weiblen, G.D., Křivan, V., Novotny, V. and Segar, S.T. (2022) Predicting distributions of Wolbachia strains through host ecological contact—Who's manipulating whom? Ecology and Evolution, 12 (4).
Dempsey, J.J, Wilson, I., Spencer-Phillips, P.T.N. and Arnold, D.L. (2022) Uptake and translocation of foliar applied phosphite and its effect on growth and development in cool season turfgrass. Journal of Plant Nutrition.
Dempsey, J.J, Wilson, I., Spencer‐Phillips, P.T.N. and Arnold, D.L. (2022) Phosphite mediated enhancement of defence responses in Agrostis stolonifera and Poa annua infected by Microdochium nivale. Plant Pathology.
Donkersley, P., Ashton, L., Lamarre, G.P.A. and Segar, S.T. (2022) Global insect decline is the result of wilful political failure: A battle plan for entomology. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (10). ISSN 2045-7758
Edwards, S.G. (2022) Pydiflumetofen co-formulated with prothioconazole: a novel fungicide for fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol control. Toxins, 14 (1).
Edwards, S.G. and Stancic, T. (2022) Susceptibility of UK oat ( Avena sativa ) varieties to infection by Fusarium species and subsequent HT‐2 and T‐2 toxin contamination. Plant Breeding.
Faralli, M., Weerasinghe, M.M., Leung, G., Marriott, R., Miles, M. and Kettlewell, P.S. (2022) Wax extracted from waste cauliflower leaves shows potential antitranspirant efficacy when applied to rapeseed plants. Agronomy, 12 (2).
Fezza, E., Roberts, J.M., Bruce, T.J.A., Walsh, L.E., Gaffney, M.T. and Pope, T.W. (2022) Optimising vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus F. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), monitoring tool design. Insects, 13 (1).
Fontanilla, A.M., Aubona, G., Sisol, M., Kuukkanen, I., Salminen, J-P., Miller, S.E., Holloway, J.D., Novotny, V., Volf, M. and Segar, S.T. (2022) What goes in must come out? The metabolic profile of plants and caterpillars, frass, and adults of asota (erebidae: aganainae) feeding on ficus (moraceae) in New Guinea. Journal of Chemical Ecology.
Frampton, G., Whaley, P., Bennett, M., Bilotta, G., Dorne, J.C.M., Eales, J., James, K.L., Kohl, C., Land, M., Livoreil, B., Makowski, D., Muchiri, E., Petrokofsky, G., Randall, N.P. and Schofield, K. (2022) Principles and framework for assessing the risk of bias for studies included in comparative quantitative environmental systematic reviews. Environmental Evidence, 11 (12).
Gill, M.C. and Walters, K.F.A. (2022) Potential use of floral nectar sugar characteristics in plant selection for pollinator habitats. Journal of Apicultural Research.
Godwin, R.J., White, D.R., Dickin, E.T., Kaczorowska-Dolowy, M., Millington, W.M., Pope, E. and Misiewicz, P.A. (2022) The effects of traffic management systems on the yield and economics of crops grown in deep, shallow and zero tilled sandy loam soil over eight years. Soil and Tillage Research, 223.
Hoarau, C., Campbell, H., Prince, G., Chandler, D. and Pope, T.W. (2022) Biological control agents against the cabbage stem flea beetle in oilseed rape crops. Biological Control, 167.
Hoarau, C., Campbell, H., Prince, G., Chandler, D. and Pope, T.W. (2022) New control methods against the cabbage stem flea beetle in oilseed rape crops. Outlooks on Pest Management, 33 (3). pp. 101-109.
Hofgaard, I.S., Aamot, H.U., Seehusen, T., Holen, B.M., Riley, H., Dill-Macky, R., Edwards, S.G. and Brodal, G. (2022) Reduced risk of oat grain contamination with fusarium langsethiae and HT-2 and T-2 toxins with increasing tillage intensity. Pathogens, 11 (11).
Hofgaard, I.S., Brodal, G., Almvik, M., Lillemo, M., Russenes, A.L., Edwards, S.G. and Aamot, H.U. (2022) Different resistance to DON versus HT2 + T2 producers in Nordic oat varieties. Toxins, 14 (5).
James, K.L., Millington, A. and Randall, N.P. (2022) Food and feed safety vulnerabilities in the circular economy. EFSA Supporting Publications, 19 (3).
Jeffery, S., van de Voorde, T.F.J., Harris, W.E., Mommer, L., van Groenigen, J.W., De Deyn, G.B., Ekelund, F., Briones, M.J.I. and Bezemer, T.M. (2022) Biochar application differentially affects soil micro-, meso-macro-fauna and plant productivity within a nature restoration grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 174.
Johnson, C. (2022) Effect of dietary factors on rumen metabolism and the microbiome in high yielding dairy cows. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Kaczorowska-Dolowy, M. (2022) Traffic and tillage effects on soil health and crop growth. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Lamarre, G.P.A., Pardikes, N.A., Segar, S.T., Hackforth, C.N., Laguerre, M., Vincent, B., Lopez, Y., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Silva, J.A.R. and Basset, Y. (2022) More winners than losers over 12 years of monitoring tiger moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Biology Letters, 18 (4).
Langston, F.M.A., Monaghan, J.M., Cousins, O., Nash, G.R., Bows, J.R. and Chope, G. (2022) Manipulation of the phytochemical profile of tenderstem® broccoli florets by short duration, pre-harvest LED lighting. Molecules, 27 (10).
Maddock, D., Arnold, D.L., Denman, S. and Brady, C. (2022) Description of a novel species of Leclercia, Leclercia tamurae sp. nov. and proposal of a novel genus Silvania gen. nov. containing two novel species Silvania hatchlandensis sp. nov. and Silvania confinis sp. nov. isolated from the rhizosphere of oak. BMC Microbiology, 22.
Maddock, D., Kile, H., Denman, S., Arnold, D.L. and Brady, C. (2022) Description of three novel species of Scandinavium: Scandinavium hiltneri sp. nov., Scandinavium manionii sp. nov. and Scandinavium tedordense sp. nov., isolated from the oak rhizosphere and bleeding cankers of broadleaf hosts. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13. ISSN 1664-302X
McAuliffe, G. A., Takahashi, T., Beal, T., Huppertz, T., Leroy, F., Buttriss, J., Collins, A. L., Drewnowski, A., McLaren, S. J., Ortenzi, F., van der Pols, J. C., van Vliet, S. and Lee, M. R. F. (2022) Protein quality as a complementary functional unit in life cycle assessment (LCA). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28. pp. 146-155.
Mhango, J.K. (2022) Investigation of the potential for precision soil and crop growth mapping to improve potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber size distribution at harvest. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Misiewicz, P.A., Kaczorowska-Dolowy, M., White, D.R., Dickin, E.T. and Godwin, R.J. (2022) Agricultural traffic management systems and soil health. In: Improving soil health. Burleigh Dodds, pp. 87-122. ISBN 9781801466141
Musa, N. (2022) Management of the stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus spp.) in winter beans (Vicia faba L) using biofumigant Brassica spp. and other allelopathic cover crops. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Mäntylä, E., Jorge, L.R., Koane, B., Sam, K., Segar, S.T., Volf, M., Weinhold, A. and Novotny, V. (2022) Ficus trees with upregulated or downregulated defence did not impact predation on their neighbours in a tropical rainforest. Arthropod-Plant Interactions.
Nasir, S., Walters, K.F.A., Pereira, R.M., Waris, M., Ali Chatha, A., Hayat, M. and Batool, M. (2022) Larvicidal activity of acetone extract and green synthesized silver nanoparticles from Allium sativum L. (Amaryllidaceae) against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 25 (3).
Newton, E.E., Lamminen, M., Ray, P.P., Mackenzie, A.M., Reynolds, C.K., Lee, M.R.F., Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, A., Vanhatalo, A. and Stergiadis, S. (2022) Macromineral and trace element concentrations in milk from Finnish Ayrshire cows fed microalgae (Spirulina platensis) and rapeseed (Brassica napus). Journal of Dairy Science, 105 (11). pp. 8866-8878.
Petrovskii, S., Ellis, J., Forbes, E., Petrovskaya, N. and Walters, K.F.A. (2022) A predictive model and a field study on heterogeneous slug distribution in arable fields arising from density dependent movement. Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
Pink, H., Talbot, A., Graceson, A., Graham, J., Higgins, G., Taylor, A., Jackson, A.C., Truco, M., Michelmore, R., Yao, C., Gawthrop, F., Pink, D.A.C., Hand, P., Clarkson, J.P. and Denby, K. (2022) Identification of genetic loci in lettuce mediating quantitative resistance to fungal pathogens. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 135 (7). pp. 2481-2500.
Pirgozliev, V., Mansbridge, S.C., Kendal, T., Watts, E.S., Rose, S.P., Brearley, C.A. and Bedford, M.R. (2022) Rapeseed meal processing and dietary enzymes modulate excreta inositol phosphate profile, nutrient availability, and production performance of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 101 (10). ISSN 00325791
Pirgozliev, V., Mansbridge, S.C., Whiting, I.M., Abdulla, J.M., Rose, S.P. and Mihova, T. (2022) Metabolisable energy of dried Sea buckthorn (Hippophaes rhamnoides) berries for broiler chickens. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 23 (3). pp. 507-512. ISSN 1332-9049
Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S.P., Mirza, M.W., Whiting, I.M., Malins, H., Bauer, L. and Lemme, A. (2022) Response to letter to the editors by Behnam Saremi referring to the article ‘Feeding guanidinoacetic acid to broiler chickens can compensate for low dietary metabolizable energy formulation’ by Pirgozliev et al. British Poultry Science, 63 (3). p. 264. ISSN 0007-1668
Pirgozliev, V., Whiting, I.M., Kljak, K., Mansbridge, S.C., Atanasov, A.G., Rose, S.P. and Enchev, S. (2022) Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) improves carotenoid content in eggs when fed to laying hens. Foods, 11 (10).
Pope, T.W. and Roberts, J.M. (2022) Vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), management: current state and future perspectives. Annual Review of Entomology, 67. pp. 221-238.
Pullin, A.S., Cheng, S.H., Jackson, J., Eales, J., Envall, I., Fada, S.J., Frampton, G.K., Harper, M., Kadykalo, A.N., Kohl, C., Konno, K., Livoreil, B., Ouédraogo, D., O’Leary, B.C., Pullin, G., Randall, N.P., Rees, R., Smith, A., Sordello, R., Sterling, E.J., Twardek, W.M. and Woodcock, P. (2022) Standards of conduct and reporting in evidence syntheses that could inform environmental policy and management decisions. Environmental Evidence, 11 (16).
Stewart, R., Aronson, J.K., Barends, E., Boruch, R., Brennan, M.L., Chislett, J., Cunliffe-Jones, P., Maynard, B., Oxman, M., Pullin, A., Randall, N.P., Sharples, J., Stott, J. and Vale, L. (2022) Lessons from working across fields to develop a framework for informed choices. Research for All, 6 (1).
Taha, V., Huntington, J.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Davies, D.R. (2022) The effect of supplemented chestnut tannin to grass silage either at ensiling or at feeding on lamb performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. Agricultural and Food Science, 31 (3). pp. 175-186.
Taylor, E.N., Beckmann, M., Hewinson, G., Rooke, D., Sinclair, L.A. and Mur, L.A.J. (2022) Metabolomic changes in lactating multiparous naturally MAP-infected Holstein-Friesian dairy cows suggest changes in mitochondrial energy pathways. Research in Veterinary Science, 152. pp. 354-363.
Whiting, I.M., Pirgozliev, V., Kljak, K., Orczewska-Dudek, S., Mansbridge, S.C., Rose, S.P. and Atanasov, A.G. (2022) Feeding dihydroquercetin in wheat-based diets to laying hens: impact on egg production and quality of fresh and stored eggs. British Poultry Science.
Woodgate, S.L., Wan, A.H.L., Hartnett, F., Wilkinson, R.G. and Davies, S.J. (2022) The utilisation of European processed animal proteins as safe, sustainable and circular ingredients for global aquafeeds. Reviews in Aquaculture.
Wright, A.J.D., Stevens, M., Back, M.A. and Sparkes, D.L. (2022) A new method to validate and compare varietal resistance and yield tolerance of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) against the beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii Schmidt. Pest Management Science. (In Press)
Xiang, J. (2022) Mitigation of drought damage to rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) from sprays of film antitranspirants at different concentrations. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Xiang, J., Vickers, L.H., Hare, M.C. and Kettlewell, P.S. (2022) Evaluation of the concentration-response relationship between film antitranspirant and yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) under drought. Agricultural Water Management, 270.
Yang, Z., Xu, C., Wang, W., Xu, X., Yang, H.M., Wang, Z.Y., Rose, S.P. and Pirgozliev, V. (2022) Dietary amylose and amylopectin ratio changes starch digestion and intestinal microbiota diversity in goslings. British Poultry Science.
Yeung, A.W.K., Choudhary, N., Tewari, D., El-Demerdash, A., Tomczyk, M., Das, N., Pirgozliev, V., Lucarini, M., Durazzo, A., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Devkota, H.P., Uddin, S., Echeverría, J., Wang, D., Gan, R.Y., Brnčić, M., De, R., Cenanovic, M., Sai, C.S., Kapoor, B., Kirilov, K., Tzvetkov, N.T., Belakova, B., Uhrin, P., Jóźwik, A., Horbańczuk, O.K., Strzałkowska, N., Koszarska, M., Charuta, A., Horbańczuk, J.O. and Atanasov, A.G. (2022) Lycopene: total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 40 (2). pp. 119-134. ISSN 2300-8342
Yu, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, L., Cheng, Y., Deng, X., Segar, S.T. and Compton, S.G. (2022) Asymmetric sharing of pollinator fig wasps between two sympatric dioecious fig trees: a reflection of supply and demand or differences in the size of their figs? Botanical Studies, 63 (7).
Zebari, H.M., Rutter, S.M. and Bleach, E.C.L. (2022) The relationship between milk oestradiol concentrations and oestrus activity in lactating Holstein–Friesian cows. Animal Production Science. ISSN 1836-0939
Zimba, K.J., Sohati, P.H., Munyinda, K., Kamfwa, K., Roberts, J.M. and Pope, T.W. (2022) Evaluation of resistance to black bean aphid ( Aphis fabae ) in selected varieties and mutant genotypes of common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ). Annals of Applied Biology.
Zimba, K.J., Sohati, P.H., Munyinda, K., Roberts, J.M. and Pope, T.W. (2022) Gamma irradiation as a tool to produce cowpea (Vigna unguiculate (L.) Walp.) genotypes resistant to aphid pests. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 16. pp. 665-675.
Zimba, K.J., Sohati, P.H., Munyinda, K., Roberts, J.M. and Pope, T.W. (2022) Induced mutagenesis: an underutilised component in the integrated management of aphid pests in sub-Saharan Africa. Crop Protection, 159.