Items where Year is 2010

Aronsson, A. and Humphries, A. (2010) The environmental impact of production of biofuels from biomass. Aspects of Applied Biology, 101. pp. 139-144.
Back, M.A., Jenkinson, P., Deliopoulos, T. and Haydock, P.P.J. (2010) Modifications in the potato rhizosphere during infestations of Globodera rostochiensis and subsequent effects on the growth of Rhizoctonia solani. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 28 (4). pp. 459-471.
Bhattarai, S., Haydock, P.P.J., Back, M.A., Hare, M.C. and Lankford, W.T. (2010) Interactions between field populations of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida and Rhizoctonia solani diseases of potatoes under controlled environment and glasshouse conditions. Nematology, 12 (5). pp. 783-790.
Chico-Santamarta, L., Humphries, A., White, D.R., Chaney, K. and Godwin, R.J. (2010) The effect of storage on the quality properties of Oilseed Rape straw pellets. European Pellet Conference, World Sustainable Energy Days, Linz, Austria..
Chico-Santamarta, L., Humphries, A., White, D.R., Chaney, K. and Godwin, R.J. (2010) The use of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) straw for combustion purposes: a review of the advantages and disadvantages. Aspects of Applied Biology, 101. pp. 63-69.
Chico-Santamarta, L., Humphries, A., White, D.R., Chaney, K., Godwin, R.J., O’Dogherty, M.J. and Underhill, T.R. (2010) Preliminary work on the compression behaviour of canola straw to high density products. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (Paper).
Custance, P.R., Walley, K., Cowap, C. and Shaw, D. (2010) Innovative Practice in Work-based Learning: fresh produce supply chain management development in the UK. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (4-2).
Deliopoulos, T., Kettlewell, P.S. and Hare, M.C. (2010) Fungal disease suppression by inorganic salts: A review. Crop Protection, 29 (10). pp. 1059-1075.
de Silva, C. (2010) Livestock and Public Access: Why does strict liability exist as a legal principle, what is ‘reasonable’ care, and should livestock keepers be concerned about recent court decisions? Journal of Farm Management, 14 (2). pp. 117-139.
Kettlewell, P.S. and Holloway, J.R. (2010) Connecting developmental and process physiology to improve yield with a film antitranspirant. Aspects of Applied Biology, 105, Water and nitrogen use efficiency in plants and crops. pp. 23-24.
Mathew, A., Humphries, A., Chaney, K. and Crook, M.J. (2010) Acid pre-treatment and enzymatic hyrolysis of rapeseed straw for bioethanol production. Aspects of Applied Biology, 101, Non Food Uses of Crops. pp. 89-95.
Palliyeguru, M.W.C.D., Rose, S.P. and Mackenzie, A.M. (2010) Effect of dietary protein concentrates on the incidence of sub-clinical necrotic enteritis and growth performance of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 89 (1). pp. 34-43.
Roscoe, A. and Irvin, S. (2010) Flower constancy and efficiency of nectar foraging by the red-tailed bumblebee Bombus Lapidarius (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 23. pp. 161-166.
Watson, A.M., Hare, M.C., Kettlewell, P.S., Brosnan, J.M. and Agu, R.C. (2010) Relationships between disease control, green leaf duration, grain quality and the production of alcohol from winter wheat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90 (15). pp. 2602-2607.
Weerasinghe, M.M., Kettlewell, P.S., Grove, I.G. and Hare, M.C. (2010) Physiological mechanisms underlying the yield increase of droughted wheat from film antitranspirant application. Aspects of Applied Biology, 105, Water and nitrogen use in plants and crops. pp. 23-29.