Items where Division is "Agriculture and Environment (from 1.08.20)" and Year is 2021

Abdulla, J.M., Rose, S.P., Mackenzie, A.M. and Pirgozliev, V. (2021) Variability of amino acid digestibility in different field bean cultivars for broilers. British Poultry Science.
Ali, J., Covaci, A.D., Roberts, J.M., Sobhy, I.S., Kirk, W.D.J. and Bruce, T.J.A. (2021) Effects of cis-jasmone treatment of brassicas on interactions with myzus persicae aphids and their parasitoid diaeretiella rapae. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Ashiq, S., Edwards, S.G., Fatukasi, O., Watson, A. and Back, M.A. (2021) In vitro activity of isothiocyanates against Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathology.
Bai, Z., Jin, X., Oenema, O., Lee, M.R.F., Zhao, J. and Ma, L. (2021) Impacts of African swine fever on water quality in China. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (5).
Basset, Y., Jorge, L.R., Butterill, P.T., Lamarre, G.P.A., Dahl, C., Ctvrtecka, R., Gripenberg, S., Lewis, O.T., Barrios, H., Brown, J.W., Bunyavejchewin, S., Butcher, B.A., Cognato, A.I., Davies, S.J., Kaman, O., Klimes, P., Knížek, M., Miller, S.E., Morse, G.E., Novotny, V., Pongpattananurak, N., Pramual, P., Quicke, D.L.J., Sakchoowong, W., Umari, R., Vesterinen, E.J., Weiblen, G., Wright, S.J. and Segar, S.T. (2021) Host specificity and interaction networks of insects feeding on seeds and fruits in tropical rainforests. Oikos.
Behrendt, K., Brown, C., Qiao, G. and Zhang, B. (2021) Assessing the opportunity costs of Chinese herder compliance with a payment for environmental services scheme. Ecological Economics, 193.
Bonham, E. (2021) Potential transmission pathways of two bacteria associated with acute oak decline Brenneria Goodwinii and Gibsiella Quercinecans. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Brady, C., Orsi, M., Doonan, J.M., Denman, S. and Arnold, D.L. (2021) Brenneria goodwinii growth in vitro is improved by competitive interactions with other bacterial species associated with Acute Oak Decline. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 3.
Capper, J.L. (2021) Current issues and controversies in assessing the environmental impacts of livestock production. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources.
Chen, L., Segar, S.T., Chantarasuwan, B., Wong, D., Wang, R., Chen, X. and Yu, H. (2021) Adaptation of Fig Wasps (Agaodinae) to their host revealed by large-scale transcriptomic data. Insects, 12 (9).
Chopra, A.S., Lordan, R., Horbańczuk, O.K., Atanasov, A.G., Chopra, I., Horbańczuk, J.O., Jóźwik, A., Huang, L., Pirgozliev, V., Banach, M., Battino, M. and Arkells, N. (2021) The current use and evolving landscape of nutraceuticals. Pharmacological Research, 175.
Cousins, O., Garnett, T.P., Rasmussen, A., Mooney, S.J., Smernik, R.J., Brien, C.J. and Cavagnaro, T.R. (2021) Frequency versus quantity: phenotypic response of two wheat varieties to water and nitrogen variability. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Darabighane, B., Mahdavi, A., Aghjehgheshlagh, F.M., Navidshad, B., Yousefi, M.H. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) The effects of dietary saponins on ruminal methane production and fermentation parameters in sheep: a meta analysis. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 11 (1). pp. 15-21.
Deng, X., Chen, L., Tian, E., Zhang, D., Wattana, T., Yu, H., Kjellberg, F. and Segar, S.T. (2021) Low host specificity and broad geographic ranges in a community of parasitic non‐pollinating fig wasps (Sycoryctinae; Chalcidoidea). Journal of Animal Ecology.
Diez, F.J., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., Navas-Gracia, L.M., Chico-Santamarta, L., Correa-Guimaraes, A. and Andara, R. (2021) Estimation of the hourly global solar irradiation on the tilted and oriented plane of photovoltaic solar panels applied to greenhouse production. Agronomy, 11 (3). p. 495.
Downey, H., Amano, T., Cadotte, M., Cook, C.N., Cooke, S.J., Haddaway, N.R., Jones, J.P.G., Littlewood, N., Walsh, J.C., Abrahams, M.I., Adum, G., Akasaka, M., Alves, J.A., Antwis, R.E., Arellano, E.C., Axmacher, J., Barclay, H., Batty, L., Benítez‐López, A., Bennett, J.R., Berg, M., Bertolino, S., Biggs, D., Bolam, F.C., Bray, T., Brook, B.W., Bull, J.W., Burivalova, Z., Cabeza, M., Chauvenet, A.L.M., Christie, A.P., Cole, L., Cotton, A.J., Cotton, S., Cousins, S.A.O., Craven, D., Cresswell, W., Cusack, J.J., Dalrymple, S.E., Davies, Z.G., Diaz, A., Dodd, J.A., Felton, A., Fleishman, E., Gardner, C.J., Garside, R., Ghoddousi, A., Gilroy, J.J., Gill, D.A., Gill, J.A., Glew, L., Grainger, M.J., Grass, A.A., Greshon, S., Gundry, J., Hart, T., Hopkins, C.R., Howe, C., Johnson, A., Jones, K.W., Jordan, N.R., Kadoya, T., Kerhoas, D., Koricheva, J., Lee, T.M., Lengyel, S., Livingstone, S.W., Lyons, A., McCabe, G., Millett, J., Strevens, C.M., Moolna, A., Mossman, H.L., Mukherjee, N., Muñoz‐Sáez, A., Negrões, N., Norfolk, O., Osawa, T., Papworth, S., Park, K.J., Pellet, J., Phillott, A., Plotnik, J.M., Priatna, D., Ramos, A.G., Randall, N.P., Richards, R.M., Ritchie, E.G., Roberts, D.L., Rocha, R., Rodríguez, J.P., Sanderson, R., Sasaki, T., Savilaakso, S., Sayer, C., Sekercioglu, C., Senzaki, M., Smith, G., Smith, R.J., Soga, M., Soulsbury, C.D., Steer, M.D, Stewart, G., Strange, E. F., Suggitt, A.J., Thompson, R.R.J., Thompson, S., Thornhill, I., Trevelyan, R.J., Usieta, H.O., Venter, O., Webber, A.D., White, R.L., Whittingham, M.J., Wilby, A., Yarnell, R.W., Zamora‐Gutierrez, V. and Sutherland, W.J. (2021) Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 (1).
Edwards, C.D. and Campbell, H. (2021) Sampling implications of variation in daily activity of the sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus at a coastal grassland site in the U.K. Medical and Veterinary Entomology.
Elayadeth-Meethal, M., Thazhathu Veettil, A., Asaf, M., Pramod, S., Maloney, S.K., Martin, G.B., Rivero, M. J., Sejian, V., Naseef, P.P., Kuruniyan, M.S. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) Comparative expression profiling and sequence characterization of ATP1A1 gene associated with heat tolerance in tropically adapted cattle. Animals, 11 (8).
Focker, M., van der Fels-Klerx, H.J., Magan, N., Edwards, S.G., Grahovac, M,, Bagi, F., Budakov, D., Suman, M., Schatzmayr, G., Krska, R. and de Nijs, M. (2021) The impact of management practices to prevent and control mycotoxins in the European food supply chain: My ToolBox project results. World Mycotoxin Journal.
Hare, M.C., Reade, J.P.H. and Agwa, M.H. (2021) Leaf physiological and water soluble carbohydrate content responses to trinexapac-ethyl application of sports turf grasses exposed to water stress. Asian Plant Research Journal, 7 (3). pp. 36-49.
Harrison, B.P., Dorigo, M., Reynolds, C.K., Sinclair, L.A., Dijkstra, J. and Ray, P.P. (2021) Determinants of phosphorus balance and use efficiency in diverse dairy farming systems. Agricultural Systems, 194.
Harrison, B.P., Dorigo, M., Reynolds, C.K., Sinclair, L.A. and Ray, P.P. (2021) Phosphorus feeding practices, barriers to and motivators for minimising phosphorus feeding to dairy cows in diverse dairy farming systems. Animal, 15 (7).
Hilton, S., Picot, E., Schreiter, S., Bass, D., Norman, K., Oliver, A.E., Moore, J.D., Mauchline, T.H., Mills, P., Teakle, G.R., Clark, I.M., Hirsch, P.R., van der Gast, C.J. and Bending, G.D. (2021) Identification of microbial signatures linked to oilseed rape yield decline at the landscape scale. Microbiome, 9 (1).
Hjelkrem, A.R., Aamot, H.U., Lillemo, M., Sørensen, E.S., Brodal, G., Russenes, A.L., Edwards, S.G. and Hofgaard, I.S. (2021) Weather patterns associated with DON levels in Norwegian Spring Oat grain: a functional data approach. Plants, 11 (1).
Huang, I.Y., Manning, L., Wood, V., James, K.L., Millington, A., Grigoriadis, V. and Ward, S. (2021) Creating sustainable value through food waste management: does retail customer value proposition matter? British Food Journal.
Hulin, M.T., Vadillo Dieguez, A., Cossu, F., Lynn, S., Russell, K., Neale, H.C., Jackson, R.W., Arnold, D.L., Mansfield, J.W. and Harrison, R.J. (2021) Identifying resistance in wild and ornamental cherry towards bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Pathology.
Hunter, P.J., Chadwick, M., Graceson, A., Hambidge, A., Hand, P., Heath, J., Lignou, S., Oruna-Concha, M.J., Pink, D.A.C., Rada, B., Wagstaff, C., Barker, G. and Monaghan, J.M. (2021) Elucidation of the biochemical pathways involved in two distinct cut-surface discolouration phenotypes of lettuce. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 183.
Ishikawa, S., Nakashima, T., Iizumi, T. and Hare, M.C. (2021) Evaluating irrigated rice yields in Japan within the climate zonation scheme of the global yield gap atlas. The Journal of Agricultural Science. pp. 1-12.
Jiménez-González, M.A., De la Rosa, J.M., Aksoy, E., Jeffery, S., Oliveira, B.R.F. and Verheijen, F.G.A. (2021) Spatial distribution of pyrogenic carbon in Iberian topsoils estimated by chemometric analysis of infrared spectra. Science of The Total Environment, 790.
Jones, A., Takahashi, T., Fleming, H., Griffith, B., Harris, P. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) Quantifying the value of on-farm measurements to inform the selection of key performance indicators for livestock production systems. Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
Jones, A.G., Fleming, H., Griffith, B.A., Takahashi, T., Lee, M.R.F. and Harris, P. (2021) Data to identify key drivers of animal growth and carcass quality for temperate lowland sheep production systems. Data in Brief, 35.
Karkelanov, N., Chobanova, S., Whiting, I.M., Dimitrova, K., Rose, S.P. and Pirgozliev, V. (2021) Pelleting increases the metabolizable energy of de-hulled sunflower seed meal for broilers. South African Journal of Animal Science, 51 (3).
Leather, S.R. (2021) What is happening to insect numbers, and what does it mean? CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources.
Lee, M.R.F., Domingues, J.P., McAuliffe, G.A., Tichit, M., Accatino, F. and Takahashi, T. (2021) Nutrient provision capacity of alternative livestock farming systems per area of arable farmland required. Scientific Reports, 11.
Lee, M.R.F., McAuliffe, G.A., Tweed, J.K.S., Griffith, B.A., Morgan, S.A., Rivero, M.J., Harris, P., Takahashi, T. and Cardenas, L. (2021) Nutritional value of suckler beef from temperate pasture systems. Animal, 15 (7).
Lim, C., Poaty Ditengou, J., Ryu, K., Ku, J., Park, M., Whiting, I.M. and Pirgozliev, V. (2021) Effect of maize replacement with different triticale levels on layers production performance, egg quality, yolk fatty acid profile and blood parameters. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 30 (4). pp. 360-366.
Mabry, M.E., Turner-Hissong, S.D., Gallagher, E.Y., McAlvay, A.C., An, H., Edger, P.P., Moore, J. D., Pink, D.A.C., Teakle, G.R., Stevens, C.J., Barker, G., Labate, J., Fuller, D.Q., Allaby, R.G., Beissinger, T., Decker, J.E., Gore, M.A., Pires, J.C. and Purugganan, M. (2021) The evolutionary history of wild, domesticated, and feral brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Mfuti, D.K., Tamiru, A., Kirk, W.D.J., Akinyemi, A.O., Campbell, H., O’Brien, M., Drijfhout, F.P., Pope, T.W., Niassy, S. and Subramanian, S. (2021) Exploiting thrips aggregation pheromones to develop a lure-and-kill strategy for the management of the bean flower thrips. Agronomy, 11 (7).
Mhango, J.K., Grove, I.G., Hartley, W., Harris, E. and Monaghan, J.M. (2021) Applying colour-based feature extraction and transfer learning to develop a high throughput inference system for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) stems with images from unmanned aerial vehicles after canopy consolidation. Precision Agriculture.
Mhango, J.K., Harris, E., Green, R. and Monaghan, J.M. (2021) Mapping potato plant density variation using aerial imagery and deep learning techniques for precision agriculture. Remote Sensing, 13 (14).
Mhango, J.K., Hartley, W., Harris, W.E. and Monaghan, J.M. (2021) Comparison of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber size distribution fitting methods and evaluation of the relationship between soil properties and estimated distribution parameters. The Journal of Agricultural Science.
Morris, P., Carter, E. B., Hauck, B., Hughes, J.W., Allison, G. and Theodorou, M.K. (2021) Responses of Lotus corniculatus to environmental change. 4: Root carbohydrate levels at defoliation and regrowth climatic conditions are major drivers of phenolic content and forage quality. Planta, 253 (2).
Morris, P., Carter, E. B., Hauck, B., Lanot, A., Allison, G. and Theodorou, M.K. (2021) Responses of Lotus corniculatus to environmental change 3: The sensitivity of phenolic accumulation to growth temperature and light intensity and effects on tissue digestibility. Planta, 253 (2).
Mphande, W. (2021) The Role of Di-1-p-menthene and Drought Signalling in Yield Formation in Spring Wheat. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Mphande, W., Farrell, A.D., Grove, I.G., Vickers, L.H. and Kettlewell, P.S. (2021) Metabolic and film antitranspirants both reduce drought damage to wheat yield despite having contrasting effects on leaf ABA. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
Natalio, A.I.M., Back, M.A., Richards, A. and Jeffery, S. (2021) The effects of saline toxicity and food-based AD digestate on the earthworm Allolobophora chlorotica. Geoderma, 393.
Neale, H.C., Hulin, M.T., Harrison, R.J., Jackson, R.W. and Arnold, D.L. (2021) Transposon mutagenesis of pseudomonas syringae pathovars syringae and morsprunorum to identify genes involved in bacterial canker disease of cherry. Microorganisms, 9 (6).
Nicolay, R., Jeffery, S. and Randall, N.P. (2021) Comparison of three soil health indicators between different vegetative strip compositions. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 38. S104-S109.
Norrey, J., Jones, M., Oliveira, P. and Harris, W.E. (2021) Habitat association and population size of the Madeira Firecrest (Regulus madeirensis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Orlando, V. (2021) The prevalence, detection and impact of root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) found in potato growing land in Great Britain. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Oyedeji, O., Oluwatosin, O.O., Jegede, A.V., Fafiolu, A.O., Samuel, I., Folorunso, O. and Pirgozliev, V. (2021) Effects of processing methods on phytochemical compositions of selected plant materials with animal nutrition potentials. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 11 (1).
Palczynski, L. (2021) The effect of farmer and advisor perspectives about calf rearing practices on dairy farms in England: "There might be other priorities". Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Peng, X., Wilken, St. E., Lankiewicz, T.S., Gilmore, S.P., Brown, J.L., Henske, J.K., Swift, C.L., Salamov, A., Barry, K., Grigoriev, I.V., Theodorou, M.K., Valentine, D.L. and O’Malley, M.A. (2021) Genomic and functional analyses of fungal and bacterial consortia that enable lignocellulose breakdown in goat gut microbiomes. Nature Microbiology.
Pirgozliev, V., Kljak, K., Whiting, I.M., Rose, S.P., Mansbridge, S.C., Enchev, S., Atanasov, A. and Stringhini, J.H. (2021) Feeding dry stevia leaf (Stevia rebaudiana) or xylanase improves the hepatic antioxidative status of broiler chickens. Research in Veterinary Science, 136.
Pirgozliev, V., Mansbridge, S.C., Whiting, I.M., Arthur, C., Rose, S.P. and Atanasov, A.G. (2021) Antioxidant status and growth performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of supplementary dihydroquercetin. Research in Veterinary Science, 141. pp. 63-65.
Pirgozliev, V., Whiting, I.M., Mansbridge, S.C., Enchev, S., Rose, S.P., Kljak, K., Johnson, A.E., Drijfhout, F., Orczewska-Dudek, S. and Atanasov, A.G. (2021) Effect of rearing temperature on physiological measures and antioxidant status of broiler chickens fed stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.) leaf meal and exogenous xylanase. Current Research in Biotechnology, 3. pp. 173-181.
Pyatt, A.Z., Mansbridge, S.C. and Haakuria, V. (2021) One health: professional stakeholder engagement key to tackling zoonotic disease. International Animal Health Journal, 8 (1).
Redfern, E. (2021) Improving the health and nutrition of dairy cows by investigating the farmer and stakeholder attitudes and behaviours that influence health in the transition period. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Redfern, E., Sinclair, L.A. and Robinson, P.A. (2021) Why isn’t the transition period getting the attention it deserves? Farm advisors’ opinions and experiences of managing dairy cow health in the transition period. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 194.
Reilly, M., Cooley, A.P., Richardson, B., Tito, D. and Theodorou, M.K. (2021) Electrocoagulation of food waste digestate and the suitability of recovered solids for application to agricultural land. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 42.
Rivero, M. J., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Evans, A., Berndt, A., Cartmill, A., Neal, A.L., McLaren, A., Farruggia, A., Mignolet, C., Chadwick, D., Styles, D., McCracken, D., Busch, D., Martin, G.B., Fleming, H., Sheridan, H., Gibbons, J., Merbold, L., Eisler, M., Lambe, N., Rovira, P., Harris, P., Murphy, P., Vercoe, P.E., Williams, P., Machado, R., Takahashi, T., Puech, T., Boland, T., Ayala, W. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) Key traits for ruminant livestock across diverse production systems in the context of climate change: perspectives from a global platform of research farms. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 33 (2). pp. 1-19.
Rivero, M.J., Evans, A.C.O., Berndt, A., Cartmill, A., Dowsey, A., Farruggia, A., Mignolet, C., Enriquez-Hidalgo, D., Chadwick, D., McCracken, D., Busch, D., Pereyra, F., Martin, G.B., Sanford, G.R., Sheridan, H., Wright, I., Brunet, L., Eisler, M.C., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Rovira, P., Harris, P., Murphy, P., Williams, A.P., Jackson, R.W., Machado, R., Suraj, P.T., Puech, T., Boland, T.M., Ayala, W. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) Taking the steps toward sustainable livestock: our multidisciplinary global farm platform journey. Animal Frontiers, 11 (5). pp. 52-58.
Rivero, M.J., Grau-Campanario, P., Mullan, S., Held, S.D.E., Stokes, J.E., Lee, M.R.F. and Cardenas, L.M. (2021) Factors affecting site use preference of grazing cattle studied from 2000 to 2020 through GPS tracking: a review. Sensors, 21 (8).
Roberts, J.M. (2021) A study of the physiology and genetics of rapid rooting traits in lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Ryder, J.T., Cherrill, A., Thompson, H.M. and Walters, K.F.A. (2021) Lower pollen nutritional quality delays nest building and egg laying in Bombus terrestris audax micro-colonies leading to reduced biomass gain. Apidologie.
Saye, L.M.G., Navaratna, T.A., Chong, J.P.J., O’Malley, M.A., Theodorou, M.K. and Reilly, M. (2021) The anaerobic fungi: challenges and opportunities for industrial lignocellulosic biofuel production. Microorganisms, 9 (4).
Sladecek, F.X.J., Dötterl, S., Schäffler, I., Segar, S.T. and Konvicka, M. (2021) Succession of dung-inhabiting beetles and flies reflects the succession of dung-emitted volatile compounds. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 47. pp. 433-443.
Sladecek, F.X.J., Segar, S.T. and Konvicka, M. (2021) Early successional colonizers both facilitate and inhibit the late successional colonizers in communities of dung-inhabiting insects. European Journal of Entomology, 118. pp. 240-249.
Sladecek, F.X.J., Zitek, T., Konvicka, M. and Segar, S.T. (2021) Evaluating the relative importance of habitat filtering and niche differentiation in shaping the food web of dung-inhabiting predators. Acta Oecologica, 112.
Stanbrook, R. A., Harris, W.E., Wheater, C.P. and Jones, M. (2021) Evidence of phenotypic plasticity along an altitudinal gradient in the dung beetle Onthophagus proteus. PeerJ, 9.
Stanbrook, R., Harris, E., Jones, M. and Wheater, C. P. (2021) The effect of dung beetle size on soil nutrient mobilization in an afrotropical forest. Insects, 12 (2).
Stanbrook, R., Wheater, C. P., Harris, W.E. and Jones, M. (2021) Habitat type and altitude work in tandem to drive the community structure of dung beetles in Afromontane forest. Journal of Insect Conservation.
Stevenson, J. L., O’Riordain, S., Harris, W.E. and Crockford, L. (2021) An investigation into the impact of nine catchment characteristics on the accuracy of two phosphorus load apportionment models. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193.
Tayyab, U., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Humphries, D.J. and Reynolds, C.K. (2021) Milk production, rumen function, and digestion in dairy cows fed diets differing in predominant forage and concentrate type. Animal Feed Science and Technology.
Wang, B., Luberti, M., Peng, Y. and Segar, S.T. (2021) Direct and indirect effects of invasive vs. native ant-hemipteran mutualism: a meta-analysis that supports the mutualism intensity hypothesis. Agronomy, 11 (11).
Wang, R., Yang, Y., Jing, Y., Segar, S.T., Zhang, Y., Wang, G., Chen, J., Liu, Q., Chen, S., Chen, Y., Cruaud, A., Ding, Y., Dunn, D.W., Gao, Q., Gilmartin, P.M., Jiang, K., Kjellberg, F., Li, H., Li, Y., Liu, J., Liu, M., Machado, C.A., Ming, R., Rasplus, J., Tong, X., Wen, P., Yang, H., Yang, J.J., Yin, Y., Zhang, X.T., Zhang, Y.Y., Yu, H., Yue, Z., Compton, S.G. and Chen, X.Y. (2021) Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant–pollinator association. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Watts, E.S., Rose, S.P., Mackenzie, A.M. and Pirgozliev, V. (2021) Investigations into the chemical composition and nutritional value of single-cultivar rapeseed meals for broiler chickens. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 75 (3). pp. 209-221. ISSN 1745-039X
Wilken, St. E., Monk, J.M., Leggieri, P.A., Lawson, C.E., Lankiewicz, T.S., Seppälä, S., Daum, C.G., Jenkins, J., Lipzen, A.M., Mondo, S.J., Barry, K.W., Grigoriev, I.V., Henske, J.K., Theodorou, M.K., Palsson, B.O., Petzold, L.R., O’Malley, M.A. and Lindemann, S.R. (2021) Experimentally validated reconstruction and analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model of an anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota fungus. mSystems, 6 (1).
Woodgate, S.L. (2021) The role of rendering in the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic, the development of EU animal by-product legislation and new markets for rendered product. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Woodgate, S.L. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2021) The role of rendering in relation to the BSE epidemic, the development of EU animal by‐product legislation and the reintroduction of rendered products into animal feeds. Annals of Applied Biology.
Wright, L. (2021) The use of low energy 680nm LASER alone or in combination with photosynthetic electron transport chain inhibitors in the management of weeds. Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
Wu, L., Harris, P., Misselbrook, T.H. and Lee, M.R.F. (2021) Simulating grazing beef and sheep systems. Agricultural Systems, 195.
Xiang, J., Hare, M.C., Vickers, L.H. and Kettlewell, P.S. (2021) Estimation of film antitranspirant spray coverage on rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) leaves using titanium dioxide. Crop Protection, 142. p. 105531.
Yeung, A.W.K., Choudhary, N., Tewari, D., El-Demerdash, A., Horbańczuk, O.K., Das, N., Pirgozliev, V., Lucarini, M., Durazzo, A., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Devkota, H.P., Uddin, S., Echeverría, J., Wang, D., Gan, R.Y., Brnčić, M., Kalfin, R.E., Tzvetkov, N.T., Jóźwik, A., Solka, M., Strzałkowska, N., Horbańczuk, J.O. and Atanasov, A.G. (2021) Quercetin: total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health – a review. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 39 (3). pp. 199-212. ISSN 2300-8342
Yeung, A.W.K., Tzvetkov, N.T., El-Demerdash, A., Horbańczuk, O.K., Das, N., Pirgozliev, V., Lucarini, M., Durazzo, A., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Devkota, H.P., Uddin, S., Echeverría, J., Wang, D., Gan, R.Y., Brnčić, M., Kalfin, R.E., Tancheva, L.P., Tewari, D., Berindan-Neagoe, I., Sampino, S., Strzałkowska, N., Marchewka, J., Jóźwik, A., Horbańczuk, J.O. and Atanasov, A.G. (2021) Apple polyphenols in human and animal health. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 39 (2). pp. 105-118. ISSN 2300-8342
Zhou, C., Pan, W., Peng, Q., Chen, Y., Zhou, T., Wu, C., Hartley, W., Li, J., Xu, M., Liu, C., Li, P., Rao, L. and Wang, Q. (2021) Characteristics of metabolites by seed-specific inhibition of FAD2 in Brassica napus L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (19). pp. 5452-5462.
Zielonka, M.W. (2021) Life history traits of two important lepidopteran pests, the carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) and the light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana). Doctoral thesis, Harper Adams University.
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